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  • Shenyang Normal UniversityEnrollment Prospectus for International Students

    文章来源:沈阳师范大学国际交流合作处(国际教育学院)作者:国际教育学院发布时间:2014-05-14 浏览次数:7602

    *A brief introduction to Shenyang Normal University
            Shenyang Normal University was established in 1951, it is directly administered by the Shenyang provincial government. It is a multidisciplinary university with nine main areas of study, philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, pure science, engineering, management and art. Shenyang Normal University was originally funded as The Dongbei Normal University, in 1953, after The State Council’s examination and approval, it was reestablished as Shenyang Normal University, at the time they were the one of the earliest and most influential undergraduate normal schools in the northeast region. In 2002, The Education Bureau authorized the merger of Shenyang Normal college and Liaoning Education college into the comprehensive school---- Shenyang Normal University. It occupies 1888.69mu, areas covered with structures is 763600 square meters, and holds 1,8 million volumes. The university possesses 26 second tier colleges and 24 affiliated schools and organizations. It provides 73 bachelor degree courses. The school is also authorized to teach 18 main areas of postgraduate courses and 128 streams based on these courses, as well as the right to award 9 professional degrees. The 25000 students consist of undergraduates, junior college students, postgraduates and overseas students. From 1985, the school has accepted almost 6000 different levels of students from 45 countries throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, The Americas and Australasia. Our school also funds two Confucius Institutes in The Middle East-----The Confucius Institute at Saint-Joseph’s in Lebanon and The Jordanian Amman-Tag Confucius Institute. The university has independent enrollment eligibility to accept scholarships from both the Chinese government and the Confucius institute. It is a base for training foreign aid personnel and Chinese education throughout Liaoning province. The university is designated to be the testing center for the China Education Bureau HSK, TELTS, TOEFL, GREN, Japanese Proficiency Test, Korean Proficiency Test, PETS, and The National Foreign Language Translation Certificate.
    *Courses are available for foreign student study      
           1. Bachelor Programs
           Undergraduates: 4 year study, minimum 3 years and maximum 8 years      

    Professional program

    Language of instruction



    Chinese literature


    Chinese Minority Culture & language


    Foreign literature [English]  

    Chinese & English

    Foreign literature[Japanese]  

    Chinese & Japanese

    Foreign Literature[Russian] 

    Chinese & Russian

    Translation [English] 

    Chinese & English

    Tourist Management 


    Hotel Management   


    Applied Statistics      

    Chinese & English


    Chinese & English




    Chinese & English

    Biological Science     





    Chinese & English

    Applied Chemistry    


    Environmental Science    


    Math & Applied math        



    Chinese & English

    International Trade & Economy   

    Chinese & English

    Marketing Management   

    Chinese & English

    International Law    


    Human Resource Management      


    Labour & Social Welfare         


    Computing Science & Engineering   



    Chinese & English

    Software Engineering     


    Teaching Methodology    

    Chinese & English

    Teaching Technological Studies     


    Applied psychology  


    Preprimary & Elementary Education    


    Elementary Education     


    Physical Education   


    Sports & Physical training      


    Social Sports      


    Artistic Design   



    Chinese & English



    Chinese Ink & Water Color Painting    


    Bal Canto    

    Chinese & English

    Western Music   

    Chinese & English

    Traditional Chinese Opera


    Peking Opera


    Folk Music Instrument 


    Musical Performance

    Chinese & English

     Dancing    Chinese
    Acting  Chinese
    2. Master Programs
    Postgraduates: 2-3 years study. Minimum 2 years, maximum 5 years 
    Professional program Language of instruction
    Linguistics & Applied Linguistics 
    Dongbei Ethnic Culture & Literature   
    Chinese Ethnic Minority Literature      
    Manchurian Literature     
    Foreign literature
    [Chinese & English interpretation]
    Chinese & English
    Foreign literature
    [Chinese & Japanese interpretation]     
    Chinese & Japanese
    Foreign literature
    [Chinese & Russian interpretation]
    Chinese & Russian
    Chinese Philosophy   
    Chinese & English
    Chinese & English
    Comparative Education Methodology
    Chinese & English
    Higher Education      
    Chinese & English
    Educational History  
    Educational Leadership   
    Chinese & English
    Educational Economy & Management 
    Chinese & English
    Public Administration      
    Public Management  
    Chinese & English
    Western Economics   
    Chinese & English
    Civil Law & Commercial Law
    Chinese & English
    Economic Law   
    Chinese & English
    Chinese & English
    International Law     
    Chinese & English
    Applied Mathematics
    Management science & Engineering     
    Chinese & English
    Computing Science & Technology
    Chinese & English
    Chinese & English
    Chinese & English
    Chinese & English
    Theoretical physics    
    Chinese & English
    Operational Research & Cybernetics    
    Chinese & English
    Particle Physics & Nuclear Physics
    Chinese & English
    Condensed Matter Physics     
    Chinese & English
    Radio Physics    
    Chinese & English
    Materials Physics & Chemistry      
    Chinese & English
    Chemical Engineering & Technology   
    Analytical Chemistry
    Chinese & English
    Biochemical Engineering 
    Chinese & English
    Applied Chemistry    
    Chinese & English
    Chinese & English
    Chinese & English
    Environmental Ecology   
    Physiological & Behavioral Ecology    
    Insect Ecology   
    Molecular Ecology    
    Human Sports Sociology 
    Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports    
    Theory of Sports Pedagogy & Training
    Science of Physical Culture & Sports   
    Music Studies    
    Music & Dancing      
    National Instrument  
    Fine Art
    3. More short term studies are available: minimum 6 months [ one semester] learning period can be prolonged according to your own situation.
    Professional program Language of instruction 
    Professional program Language of instruction
    Chinese Literature     
    Chinese & English
    Chinese & English
    International Trade & Economics  
    Chinese & English
    Tourist Management 
    Hotel Management   
           1. Being healthy and capable of finish school.
           2. No bad habits or criminal record. Abiding by Chinese laws, regulations and school discipline. Respecting the customs and traditions of Chinese people.
           3. Students who apply for ph. D must have Master’s Degree approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Students should not be over 45 years old. Students who apply for post-graduate study must have a Bachelor Degree approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Students should not be over 35 years old. Students who apply for undergraduate study must have graduated from high school or have equivalent professional qualifications as high school graduation qualifications. Students should not be over 30 years old. Advanced students and language students should not be over 60 years old.
           4. Students who have won other kinds of scholarships from the Chinese Government can not apply for our school’s Border Provinces Autonomous Enrolment Scholarship Program.
    {2} Application date
           1.The deadline for the Chinese Government Scholarship (independent recruitment project) is March 30th each year.
           2.The application deadline for self-financed international students is June 30th each year.
           3. The application deadline for Chinese language students and short-time advanced students is :
               Spring semester: December 31th
              Autumn semester: June 30th
    {3}Application materials
           All the materials are supposed to be offered either in Chinese or in English. It includes:
           1.Shenyang Normal University International Student Application Form (with fixed pattern, for self-financed students)
           2.Copies of passport photo page and visa blank page (If the photo page and the personal information page do not coincide, the personal information should also be offered.)
           3.Resume (with fixed pattern)
           4.Financial guarantee (for self-sponsoring students)
           5.The highest educational certification having been notarized and double authenticated. If the applicants of enrolled students or employees in employment, another in-study certification provided by the school or in-service certification provided by the employing enterprise should be added. Any version not in Chinese or English should be attached to the notarization of the translated version in Chinese or English.
           6.Any transcript not in Chinese or English should be attached to the notarization of the translated version in Chinese or English.
           7.The applicants who demand Chinese for language instruction should present their HSK or BCT grading certificate or transcript. The applicants who demand English for language instruction should present their transcript of English test, IELTS or TOFEL (Those with English as a native language are excluded)
           The original and copy of “Foreigner Health Examination Record” (officially printed by Chinese Health Department. Please go to a state-owned hospital and the copy must be authenticated by a Chinese Diplomatic or Consular Mission.) and all the materials for health examination (blood test report, X-ray, etc.) should be brought to China with you.
           8.The study and research plan in China (no less than 600 words for undergraduate applicants, no less than 800 words for postgraduate applicants, and no less than 1000 words for doctor applicants) should be written in Chinese or in English.
           9.The recommendation letters of at least two professors or associate professors in Chinese or in English. (provided only by doctorate or master degree applicants.)
           10. Photographs: 6 color photographs taken in the last three months (4.5*3.5cm) with names (English or Chinese)
    Scholarship applicants should first enroll in application on the internet
    (http://laihua.csc.edu.cn). The enrollment code of Shenyang Normal University is 10166. After successful net application, please print and present the application form, and then post it together with all the paper materials mentioned above to International Exchange and Cooperation Department Office SYU. Self-sponsoring students will present one copy and the Chinese Government Scholarship applicants will present two copies. None of the materials of applications will be returned no matter whether you are admitted or not.
    {4}Application Procedure
           1.Application procedure for self-financed students
           Present application materials----Qualification examination----Approval of admission----Issuing admission notice and visa application form for international students to China. (Form JW201)
           Although Shenyang is one of the biggest cities in China, the cost of living is considerably lower compared with other big cities. In addition, the tuition of our university is lower than other universities throughout China. Therefore the cost of study in our university is relatively lower.
           1.Fees for Chinese Government Scholarship students
           (1) No enrollment fee, tuition, experimental fee, internship fee, basic course book fee and campus accommodation fee.
           (2) Offering living cost:
    Masters and General Scholars: 1700 per month. Undergraduates and Advanced Students in Chinese: 1400 per month
           2.Shenyang Normal University Scholarship. (we will inform you how to apply for it later)
           3.Self-sponsoring students study fee.
           (1) Tuition, accommodation fee, insurance for major illnesses and accidental injury.
                                     Unit: yuan RMB/person/year 
    Program Registration Tuition Insurance Accommodation fee/ ten months Total
    Science      800     20000    600 12000       33400
    Arts        800  18000    600 12000    31400
    Fine Arts       800  20000    600 12000    33400
    Science    800  16000    600   12000      29400
    Arts          800  15000      600 12000    28400
    Sculpture         800  120000 600 12000    133400
    Fine Arts        800  18000    600 12000    31400
    Peking Opera Performance    800    25000    600 12000      38400
    Music Performance [Chinese Musical Instrument]       800    25000      600 12000    38400
    Language Students, short Program students     800  14000    600 12000    27400
    Advanced Students in other Majors        800    14000    600 12000    27400
     Note: The accommodation fee is charged for a double bed room, while the single room is charged at RMB 24.000 per year. If the room is not checked out of during the vacation, each room will be charged at an extra RMB 2.400 per person and each double bed room at an extra RMB 1.200 per person. Each room is provided with an electricity allowance of 170Kwh for free, and the excess beyond the limit will be charged additionally at the normal electricity price.
           (2)Health examination fee: RMB 683 Per person (which might be more, if the health examination result provided by your homeland is not approved by the Chinese Inspection and Quarantine Department, you have to be reexamined or do any certain supplement items)
           (3)Visa fee: RMB 400 within 1 year, RMB 800 between 1-3 years, RMB 1000 between 3-5 years. (subject to changes)
           (4)Course book fee: To be charged at practical prices.
        *Contacting us
            If you are interested in studying in our university or have some questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are willing to provide a patient and careful explanation for you.
            International Exchange and Cooperation Department, SNU
           Address: No.253, Huanghe North Street, Huanggu District,   Shenyang City, China
           To: Wangtian or Changxin
           Post code: 110034
           Telephone : 86-24-86574288 86-24-86574238
           Fax: 86-24-86574225
           Website: http://www.synu.edu.cn
           Email : synugj04@163.com


